i'd just like to say...

Monday, January 09, 2006

so here's the deal: i have to start this blog as a school assignment. that's right, have to. i'm required to post at least once a week, so there is my incentive. but i have wanted to be committed to a blog for a while now. so this is good for me. things may be a bit slow going at the start, but hopefully i'll stick to it and make it worth the effort. also, i have to post 3 links each time i post so keep an eye out for interesting sites i've found or nonsensical ramblings that have caught my attention. despite this being a school assignment, i'm hoping to make it as interesting as possible. our assignment is to pick a topic and explore it over the next five weeks. i've yet to choose my topic and so will have to explore my brain for awhile. what do i write about? fish? i do love fishing. but i doubt that my love for fishing would capture many people's attention for very long. at least not the kind of people whose attention i'm after. not that i'm necessarily after people's attention. nevermind.

so i'm off to decide on a subject. good luck to me. send your brain power my way if you like, i may need all the help i can get.


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