i'd just like to say...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

i finally LOOK professional.

Some of you may know the story behind me receiving these business cards. If that is the case, I will thank you to keep your stories to yourself, and pass on any inquiries to me. Or we could just leave it as, it was a long, long, LONG haul and I've finally gotten over it. I am now the proud owner of these beautiful works of art. It really truely is a wonderful thing. 'Graduating in 2.5 weeks. Life will only get better from here on in.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I am thankful for you...

I think too often we forget to stop and remember all that we have. We like to focus on what we don't have and what we think we need and how our lives could be "better" if we only had, knew, looked like, could, wore, said... What about what we do have? Know? Look like? Can? Wear? Say? It's amazing how fortunate we really are. If only we thought so too. Me? I want to adapt an attitude of constant appreciation. To wake up and be thankful that I am in a warm bed, in a sturdy home with a roof and four walls. I want to learn to be thankful for every situation I encounter. I want to better show those whom I love just how much they mean to me; to eradicate all doubt in their minds. I want to love those who hate me, bless those who curse me and find peace with those who seek to destroy me. Is this so impossible? I think not. I believe it to be achievable from every angle. I may not be able to change the world, but I can change my life. And, perhaps, in the process, have an impact on those around me. It will take patience, it will take persistence, it will take prayer, and it will depend upon motivation. ...and here is where the cheer goes: (compliments of Jeremy) Go Alyne Go Alyne Go Alyne Go Alyne Go!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I cannot even believe that February is gone. What the heck? I swear that's the fastest month I've ever lived before. Wierd. Right now, at this very moment, I have such a desire to write. But when I stop and try to decipher just exactly what it is I am feeling like I should be writing, it's as though all of my thoughts happen at once and there is just static. And then the static stops and there is nothing. Which is wierd because I know there was something two seconds ago. So where has it gone? It's completely bizarre. I think my brain is having a meltdown. In my last entry I mentioned I was feeling brand new. It's funny because, although I am still feeling as though I have started fresh, I have also begun to feel that I must constantly remind myself that I am feeling this good. It's almost like, if I don't tell myself, "No, no, remember? You're feeling bright and shiney and new!", that I will forget and slink back into the i'm-never-going-to-ever-get-anywhere-where-do-i-go-from-here mode. NOT a good place to be. I think I need to write a daily pep-talk for myself. Hmmm....maybe something with a little more umph to it than "Go Alyne Go". And I think he'll be my mascot. :)