there is always a silver lining.
Today has been eventful. I got my first stitches. Three of 'em, right on my left forearm. This is just another vote of affirmation as to why Alyne should never be left alone with sharp objects, particularly razor blades.
Let me explain, this was not intentional. Actually, it was very stupid, as most of my accidents tend to be. I was using a box cutter at work, good ol' igg'A, or, IGA. I was using the box cutter for it's intended purpose - cutting a box. I was cutting the box, when suddenly I was cutting my arm. Well, okay, I was no longer cutting away from me. It was somewhat of a towards me sort of direction. You know how "they" are like, "Always cut away from you." and we're always like, "Ya yah." Well, yeah. Yeah. "They" are right about something at least.
So I spent my afternoon in Emerg and left with 3 new additions to my body and a tetanus shot to go with them. Horray! What fun! Well, don't get too excited. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I wouldn't recommend it actually. I also found out today that I have a viral infection in my throat and sinuses. Another exciting addition to my day. Oh well, what can you do but thank God it wasn't my whole arm and that I don't have strep. That's what I'll do.
I've been trying to maintain a positive attitude in life lately. My finace is gone for 3 weeks. At least it's not 3 years! My arm has 3 stitches in it. At least I have an arm to put 3 stitches into! Right? I mean, that is truly a postive thing.
Always look for the good. It's out there somewhere.
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